iTRACE Technologies, Inc., a leading provider of supply chain security applications for anti grey market and anti counterfeit, and Leuze, a global leader in automation sensors, announced today the integration of iTRACE 2DMI® with the Leuze DCR 200i Camera Based Code Reader for Blockchain registration and authentication.
KEYENCE products are designed specifically to add value to the manufacturing and research practices of its customers, regardless of geographical location. The company’s portfolio of products consists of code readers, laser markers, machine vision systems, measuring systems, microscopes, sensors, and static eliminators.
Resulting from a development project between SGD Pharma Quality and Marketing departments, this new digital tool makes it possible to identify non-compliances that may be discovered during an incoming inspection or during on-line inspection at client’s side. The SGD Pharma App is a testament to our commitment to continuous improvement. It also demonstrates transparency in working with customers toward the mutual objective of safeguarding patient health.
From November 26 to 28 at smart production solutions (SPS), Leuze electronic demonstrated its technological competence in the areas of safety at work, smart factory and intralogistics and let trade show visitors experience sensor systems up close using live demos.
DELTA LINE, a specialist in technically optimal and cost-effective motion control solutions, has repositioned its business on a corporate level to better reflect its significant recent evolution and growth trajectory. In recent years the company has shifted from a family-owned business to a group of companies, from a distributor to a manufacturer, and from the supply of components to a developer of complete systems. DELTA LINE’s Managing Director Massimo Malgorani explains the thinking…
Combining machine vision and deep learning will give companies a powerful mean on both operational and ROI axles. So, catching the differences between traditional machine vision and deep learning, and understanding how these technologies complement each other – rather than compete or replace – are essential to maximizing investments. This article helps clarifying.